Navbar with Cool Dropdown

Computer Lab

Our students have specific learning targets for ICT and our computer lab allows them to work towards those targets with up to date computers and high speed internet.


Our Discovery Corner offers our students hands on experience in order to access a wealth of knowledge and information that will contribute to an overall understanding of how things work and why.

Science Lab

All of our classes complete an IPC unit dedicated to Science every term along with their general unit. The science lab is a place where our teachers can take their students to conduct various experiments, research their topics and hold various activities either in groups or as whole class activities.

Reading Corner

We want to foster a love of reading and encourage the habit of reading for pleasure among our students. We have created special reading corners around our school and in many of our classrooms. These are special quiet places where our students can relax and explore the joys and adventures of a good book.

Get In Touch



081 888 305

078 888 307

Monday – Friday : 7:30AM – 5:30PM
Saturday (Half Day): 8:00AM – 12:00PM

Toul Kork Campus
Boeung Trobek Campus